Sure, as moms-to-be our skin may be glowing, but our hair? Lifeless, colourless, dry and just plain blah. It’s not all that bad, says Alain Larivée, Canadian creative consultant for John Frieda. Here’s what we need to know to keep our hair looking its best both during and after pregnancy.
How do pregnancy hormones affect our hair?
Every pregnant woman notices very obvious changes in her hair during and after her pregnancy. It's absolutely normal to see changes during these miracle-making times. I've seen curly hair go straight, fine hair thicken, hair colour change and hair lines grow halfway down some women’s necks during gestation. I've also often seen hair fall out dramatically after birth and after breastfeeding.
Every pregnant woman notices very obvious changes in her hair during and after her pregnancy. It's absolutely normal to see changes during these miracle-making times. I've seen curly hair go straight, fine hair thicken, hair colour change and hair lines grow halfway down some women’s necks during gestation. I've also often seen hair fall out dramatically after birth and after breastfeeding.
How can we keep our hair as healthy as possible?
First and foremost, take your vitamins, eat healthy, exercise, drink water and sleep. All these good habits will have positive impacts on your body, your baby and your hair. Quality health-infusing shampoos and conditioners are always recommended for healthier hair.
First and foremost, take your vitamins, eat healthy, exercise, drink water and sleep. All these good habits will have positive impacts on your body, your baby and your hair. Quality health-infusing shampoos and conditioners are always recommended for healthier hair.
Can we color our hair while pregnant? 
Avoiding on-scalp hair-colour services during the first trimester is a good idea; there are numerous off-scalp hair colouring techniques that can be performed to keep you looking good. Follow-up with weekly treatments to keep your hair looking healthy.
Avoiding on-scalp hair-colour services during the first trimester is a good idea; there are numerous off-scalp hair colouring techniques that can be performed to keep you looking good. Follow-up with weekly treatments to keep your hair looking healthy.
How do we get the most out of our hair during pregnancy?
The easiest way to deal with your hair during pregnancy is to let it grow and keep it healthy with a weekly conditioning treatment. Book a regular salon visit and have your stylist work in a stylish braid; it's a smart-looking and fashionable way to feel good and comfy in your skin. At home, tie it back in a ponytail or a bun; long hair will make you feel more feminine -- something you'll appreciate as your body changes and your belly grows.
The easiest way to deal with your hair during pregnancy is to let it grow and keep it healthy with a weekly conditioning treatment. Book a regular salon visit and have your stylist work in a stylish braid; it's a smart-looking and fashionable way to feel good and comfy in your skin. At home, tie it back in a ponytail or a bun; long hair will make you feel more feminine -- something you'll appreciate as your body changes and your belly grows.
What should we do post-pregnancy?
A simple and comforting habit is to massage your scalp for at least 20 minutes a day. This will stimulate circulation at the dermal level and promote healthy hair growth. This is also a good time to cut off some of that length; an easy, out-of-your-face hairstyle is simply more practical. There are some very effective post-pregnancy growth stimulating treatments available, but wait until you're done breastfeeding before starting these types of regiments. You don't want your baby ingesting these substances. All in all, be healthy, use good hair-care products and don't stress out over your hair during your pregnancy and after childbirth. In most cases, everything returns to normal.
A simple and comforting habit is to massage your scalp for at least 20 minutes a day. This will stimulate circulation at the dermal level and promote healthy hair growth. This is also a good time to cut off some of that length; an easy, out-of-your-face hairstyle is simply more practical. There are some very effective post-pregnancy growth stimulating treatments available, but wait until you're done breastfeeding before starting these types of regiments. You don't want your baby ingesting these substances. All in all, be healthy, use good hair-care products and don't stress out over your hair during your pregnancy and after childbirth. In most cases, everything returns to normal.
Now if only those grey hairs from all the stress would just disappear...